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Family Owned and Operated for over 50 Years

  • Barbicas Construction Company Inc. is a Equal Opportunity Employer
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Parking Lot Maintenance

Preventative Parking Lot Maintenance is a solution used to prevent further deterioration of a parking lot. It is also the most cost-effective solution to maximize pavement life while minimizing risk. As soon as a pavement first shows signs of wear and tear such as raveling, transverse cracks, longitudinal cracks, or minor block cracking, it is in need of preventative maintenance. Parking lot maintenance includes corrective measures such as crack sealing, sealcoating, and asphalt patching/repair. Effective preventative maintenance is an ongoing process that needs regular monitoring to ensure that rehabilitation strategies are producing predicted results.

Barbicas Construction is a specialized company that focuses on the maintenance of asphalt parking lots. Our core services are seal coating, hot rubber crack sealing, asphalt repair and line striping for professionally managed properties. We are unique and one of the only companies to focus exclusively on the needs of the professional property manager. Through our Parking Lot Management Service we are a critical resource for the property manager in making sure that one of their biggest investments (their parking lots) are properly constructed, cared for and continue to provide easy access to the properties they manage. Parking Lot Maintenance has the expertise to deliver a quality project, within budget and on time with minimal disruption for your tenants. We guarantee it.

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