Complete Site, Asphalt and Concrete Services

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Family Owned and Operated for over 50 Years

  • Barbicas Construction Company Inc. is a Equal Opportunity Employer
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Site Work

The last thing any Barbicas Construction Paving professional wants is to build an asphalt or concrete structure on an unstable foundation. All that does is lead to future repairs and the owner of that business requesting additional sitework. Therefore, before building any asphalt or concrete structure, our paving experts take their time to make sure the site is properly stabilized prior to starting any paving construction

Any asphalt or concrete stabilization starts during the excavation and grading process. This is where our professionals move the soil to create a level foundation for any asphalt or concrete sitework to be completed. They understand that without properly leveling and stabilization of the soil, the structure will be uneven, and prone to instability from the beginning, and that leads to future problems.

Besides implementing good site stabilization practices when building something from the ground up, a Barbicas Construction Paving professional also uses these techniques when repairing existing concrete and asphalt structures with stabilization issues.

Whether you are in need of base installation, catch basin and manhole repair, or looking for a company to build on site utilities for your business, Barbicas Construction is the way to go. As a leader in providing quality concrete and asphalt sitework services for over 56 years, we have the experience to make your next construction project a pleasant one

Site prep for asphalt and concrete

concrete site prep

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